
池塘养殖南美白对虾中4种机械增氧模式的试验研究 被引量:2

Experimental Study on Several Mechanical Aeration Models in the Culture Pond of Penaeus vannamei Boone
摘要 [目的]探究南美白对虾池塘养殖中合理的机械增氧模式。[方法]在南美白对虾养殖池塘,进行了不同机械增氧模式的增氧效果比较。[结果]在全塘底层溶氧测定中,采用单一增氧模式的各点差别很大,最高值和最低值相差2.1~4.6倍,而采用立体增氧模式的各点基本趋于均衡状态;在底充式和水车式结合的立体增氧模式中,午间增氧后底层溶氧值平均增加4.31 mg/L,平均增氧速率2.15mg/(L.h);凌晨增氧后底层溶氧值平均增加2.25 mg/L,平均增氧速率达1.15 mg/(L.h)。[结论]在南美白对虾池塘养殖中,立体增氧模式明显优于单一增氧模式,尤以底充式和水车式结合的立体增氧模式效果最好。 [Objective] To explore the optimal mechanical aeration model in the culture pond of P.vannamei.[Method] The aeration effects of several different mechanical models were compared.[Result] In monitoring the dissolved oxygen at the bottom water of the whole pool,there were great differences among the monitoring points in the single oxygen increasing pattern,a 2.1 to 4.6 times gap was between the max numerical value and the min numerical value;but in the stereo oxygen increasing pattern,the numerical value of dissolved oxygen increasing is nearly the same at the bottom water,in the stereo oxygen increasing pattern which combines the bottom filling type with the waterwheel aerator,the average value of dissolved oxygen increasing at noon was 4.31 mg/L at the bottom water after increasing oxygen;average oxygen increasing rate at noon was 2.15 mg/(L·h);the average value of dissolved oxygen increasing at night was 2.25 mg/L at the bottom water after increasing oxygen,average oxygen increasing rate at night was 1.15 mg/(L·h).[Conclusion] In the P.vannamei culture pond,the stereo oxygen increasing pattern is obviously better than the single oxygen increasing patterns,especially the stereo oxygen increasing patterns which combines the bottom filling type with waterwheel aerator.
出处 《安徽农业科学》 CAS 2012年第22期11307-11309,11332,共4页 Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences
关键词 增氧机 南美白对虾 溶解氧 立体增氧模式 Aerator P.vannamei Dissolved oxygen Stereo oxygen increasing pattern
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