
钼靶X线征象与不同类型乳腺癌关系的病理基础研究 被引量:5

A comparative study of mammographic features of breast carcinoma and mammographic pathologic correaltion
摘要 目的:探讨不同类型乳腺癌的X线表现与其病理基础之间的关系。方法:经乳腺X线检查,手术、病理证实的乳腺癌36例,共36个病灶,包括浸润性导管癌26个,导管内癌及导管内癌伴微浸润7个,浸润性小叶癌2个,黏液腺癌伴浸润性导管癌1个。观察乳腺癌的X线表现,与病理分型对照。结果:①癌灶的X线表现有肿块者23个(63.9%),有钙化者18个(50%),有结构扭曲者3个(8.3%);②呈肿块表现的以浸润性导管癌为主,占87.9%;有钙化者易出现在导管内癌和浸润性导管癌中,分别占87.5%、42.3%,尤其单纯钙化多出现在导管内癌中(71.4%,5/7);结构扭曲可见于浸润性导管癌和导管内癌中,其它类型未见。结论:肿块、钙化和结构扭曲为乳腺癌的主要X线表现。浸润性导管癌占乳腺癌的大部分,除单纯钙化首先考虑导管内癌,其余征象均首先考虑浸润性导管癌;肿块改变尚要想到髓样癌和黏液腺癌的可能;结构扭曲也可出现在导管内癌中。 Objeetive.To probe the mammographic features of breast carcinoma and the correlation between the mammographic and pathologic findings. Methods.. A prospective study of 36 consecutive mammograms in patients with breast carcinoma, including infiltrating ducatal carcinoma (IDC. n:26), intraductal carcinoma and intraductal carcinoma associated with small invasive foci (n= 7), invasive lobular carcinoma (n= 2), and mucinous carcinoma associated with IDC (n= 1 ) was performed to determine the correlations between the mammographie and pathologic findings. Results: (1) A mass appeared in 23 cases (63.9%), microcalcifications in 18 cases (50%), and distortion in 3 cases (8.3%), respectively; (2) Masses were more commonly associated with infiltrating ducatal carcinoma (87. 9); microcalcifications were more commonly associated with intraductal carcinoma (87.5%) and IDC (42. 3%). and microcalcifications alone were most com- monly seen in intraductal carcinoma (71.4 %) ; Distortion was seen in both IDC and intraductal carcinoma. Conclusion:The common features of breast carcinoma in mammography were a mass, microcalcifications and distortion. IDC was the most common in breast carcinoma. When mammographic malignant features above mentioned were found except the appearance of mierocalcifications alone, it was firstly suggestive of intraductal carcinoma. A mass also appeared in medullary and mucinus carcinoma and distortion aoeared in intraductal carcinoma.
出处 《医学影像学杂志》 2011年第8期1189-1191,共3页 Journal of Medical Imaging
关键词 乳腺肿瘤 乳房X线摄影术 病理学 Breast neoplasms Mammography Pathology
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