

Determination of the Atmospheric Aerosol Model in the Bosteng Lake Area by Ground-based Spectral Extinction Measurements
摘要 为确定新疆博斯腾湖地区气溶胶主要组分,减小辐射传输计算和卫星遥感应用中由于气溶胶模型误判造成的误差,分别取大陆型、背景沙漠型、体积百分比自定义模型和两种动态气溶胶模型,用6S辐射传输算法计算出对应于太阳光度计测量时段的各波段大气气溶胶光学厚度。将模式计算值与测量值进行比较,确定测量地区的大气气溶胶模型。将该方法用于2010年在新疆博斯腾湖地区测量的太阳光度计数据,结果显示该地区在测量时段较为符合体积百分比自定义模型,沙尘性粒子体积百分比均在88%以上,符合当地靠近沙尘源地和测量时段浮尘天气频发的实际情况。 To determine the major components of aerosols in the Bosteng Lake area in Xinjiang so as to reduce the errors in radiative transfer calculations and remote sensing resulting from the mistake of the aerosol model,a method to determine the atmospheric aerosol model based on the spectral relationships of aerosol optical depth(AOD) was presented in this paper.The AOD was computed by using 6S radiative transfer model at multiple spectral bands for continental,desert,custom models for components volume percentage and two dynamic models.Then the most suitable atmospheric aerosol model among the several models was determined by minimizing the standard deviation between the observed values and computed values.This method was applied to the data from the sun-photometer measurements in the Bosteng Lake area in 2010.The Results showed that the region in the period of measurements was close to the custom models with dust-like component percentage more than 88%.
作者 陈磊 孙学金
出处 《沙漠与绿洲气象》 2012年第3期40-44,共5页 Desert and Oasis Meteorology
基金 江苏省自然科学基金项目(BK2011125)资助
关键词 大气气溶胶模型 大气消光 光学厚度 太阳光度计 atmospheric aerosol model atmospheric extinction aerosol optical depth(AOD) sun-photometer
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