
控制Na^+转运以及维持Na^+/K^+平衡有助于提高植物的耐盐性 被引量:2

Control of Sodium Transport and Plant Na^+/K^+Homestasis Improve Salt Tolerant
摘要 盐害(包括土壤次生盐渍化)造成的日益严重的环境问题已在世界范围内引起了广泛关注。大量针对植物耐盐分子机制的研究已开展,旨在更好地了解植物自身的耐盐机制。到目前为止,已获取了大量关于植物耐盐性机制的信息。同时,人们正在形成一个共识,即植物维持自身细胞离子平衡的能力是其具有耐盐性的关键。Na+/H+、K+/H+和Na+/K+逆向转运蛋白及其同源蛋白在植物细胞维持离子平衡中的关键作用受到了人们越来越多的关注。结合前人的研究结果和最新的研究动态,着重阐述了Na+转运控制和维持细胞离子平衡在植物耐盐过程中的机理及其重要作用。 The increasingly agricultural and environmental problems(including soil secondary salinization)caused by soil salinity on a worldwide scale which were received much attention. Numerous investigations aimed at a better understanding of the molecular mechanisms of salt stress were carried in plants. Now weath of information generated on salt tolerance mechanism, there was an emerging consensus that the ability of a plant to main- tain an ionic homeostasis was crucial in plant salt tolerance. It was, however, becoming increasingly clear, that Na^+/H^+ , K^+/H^+ and Na^+/K^+an- tiporters and other members of the family played crucial roles in ionic homeostasis. In this review, the authors focused on the sodium transport, the con- trol of sodium transport and the ion homestasis.
出处 《资源开发与市场》 CAS CSSCI 2012年第8期710-713,共4页 Resource Development & Market
基金 山东大学项目(编号:1070432211)
关键词 盐害 Na^+转运 Na^+流入 Na^+封存 Na^+分泌 Na^+/K^+平衡 salt stress Na^+ transport Na^+ influx Na^+ sequestration Na^+ extrusion Na^+/K^+ homestasis
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