1"Reality Check : Shorter and Shorter Timeframe if Iran Decides to Make Nuclear Weapons", Institute for Science and International Secur- ity (ISIS), January 18, 2012, p. 1.
2Ronen Bergman,"Witl Israel Attack Iran?" New York Times, January 25, 2012.
3" Most of Israel security cabinet backs Iran strike", Agency France Press, March 15, 2012.
4Fareed Zakaria, "Under Netanyahu, Israel is stronger than ev- er", The Washington Post, May 10,2012.
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6Aluf Benn, "Churchill and his disciple", Haaretz, October 7, 2009.
7"Backed by strong majority, Netanyahu could take new moves with Palestinians", http://ca, news. yahoo, corn/ israeli-presidents-of- rice-confirms-early-election-canceUed-032839867, html.
8Gideon Levy, "Israelis should be afraid of their leaders, not l- ran" ,Haaretz, February 5, 2012.
9"Most of Israel security cabinet backs Iran strike", Agency France Press, March 15, 2012.
10Mark Fitzpatrick, " Containing the Iranian Nuclear Crisis: The Useful Precedent of the Fuel Swap", Perceptions, Vol. XVI, No. 2, sum- mer 2011, p. 34.