
劳力·平等·性别:集体化时期太行山区的男女“同工同酬” 被引量:11

Labor,Equality and Gender:“Equal Pay for Equal Work" between Men and Women in the Taihang Mountain Area during the Collectivization Period
摘要 太行山区农村是新中国集体化时期男女"同工同酬"政策的发源地,为中国乃至世界提供了一个典型案例。为了广泛发动妇女参加农业生产,中共中央根据太行山区的经验,提出了男女"同工同酬"的口号。在各级政府自上而下的宣传和动员下,"同工同酬"政策得到一定程度的实施,妇女参加生产的积极性以及政治经济地位明显提高。但是,"同工不同酬"的现象始终存在。其中,包工定额中的男多女少,属于真正的"同工不同酬";而"死分死记"的男多女少,除了少量的妇女工分属于过低之外,大多则符合农村劳动的实际,因而受到妇女的认同。这种工分的男多女少,是由于男女体质的差异以及家务劳动尚未社会化所决定的。值得注意的是,追求绝对平等之下的"同工同酬",一定程度上导致了一些妇女挑起了超负荷的强体力劳动,身心健康受到伤害。 The slogan that "men and women enjoy equal pay for equal work" was first voiced by the people in the rural area of the Taihang Mountain during the collectivization period, providing a typical case for China and even for the world. In order to extensively mobilize the women for participation in agricultural production, the CPC Central Committee worked out the policy of equal pay for equal work between men and women based on the experi- ence of the Taihang Mountain area. As a result of vigorous publicity and mobilization by the government at various levels from top to bottom, the policy of "equal pay for equal work" was implemented to a certain degree, signifi- cantly arousing the women' s enthusiasm for production and raising their political and economic status. However, the phenomenon of "unequal pay for equal work" never totally disappeared. Among them, more remuneration for men but less for women for equal work in contracting work quotas represented the "unequal pay for equal work" in its true sense while the system of giving more fixed work points for men than for women basically tallied with the actual situation of rural labor and therefore was identified by the women although sometimes the work points for women were too low. In these circumstances more work points for men than for women were decided by physical differences between both sexes and the lack of socialized household work. It should be noted that the pursuit for the "equal pay for equal work" in the sense of absolute equality led to overloading heavy work for some women, thus impairing their health.
作者 李金铮 刘洁
出处 《中共党史研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第7期53-61,共9页 CPC History Studies
基金 国家社科基金项目“中共革命与乡村社会”(07BDJ008)的阶段性成果
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  • 2刘翔霄.《申纪兰.第一次提出男女"同工同酬"》,《法制日报》2009年11月11日.
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  • 9阜平县西庄公社委员会.《关于落实男女同工同酬政策试点工作的情况报告》(1975年5月2513),阜平县档案馆,档案号3-1-48.
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