[ Objective ] To investigate two different methods of hypophysin used in laparoscopic salpingotomy for tube pregnancy. [Methods] Selected 100 cases of ectopic pregnancy underwent laparoscopic salpingotomy were divided into 3 groups. The study group 1, 36 cases, the patients received bi-dilute hypophysin injection; the study group 2, 31 cases, the patients received mono-dilute hypophysin injection; the control group, 33 cases. [Results] The bi-injection group's and mono-injection group's operation time and blood lose were statistically significantly less than control group's (P 〈0.05), and the bi-injection group's was still statistically significantly less than mono- injection groupJs (P 〈0.05). The bi-injection group's tubal patency and pregnancy conditions were statistically significantly better than the control group. [ Conclusion ] Hypophysin used in laparoscopic salpingotomy for tube pregnancy can reduce the operation time and blood lose. The method of bi-injection into cornua uteri and mesosalpinx is better, worthy of clinical promotion.
China Journal of Endoscopy