目的将计算机辅助设计和制造(CAD/CAM)种植手术的导板应用于种植手术,保证种植体植入在正确的位点和方向。方法按照导板制做的数据要求,用CT扫描患者的上下颌骨,在获取颌骨数据后输入种植导板设计的软件中,模拟种植体的位置和上部修复体,然后引导制造以修复为导向的准确的种植手术导板并在手术中应用。结果 16例患者采用计算机辅助设计引导制造的手术导板较好地完成了以修复为导向和最终获得良好位置的种植体的植入。结论计算机辅助设计和制造种植手术的导板能在术前了解患者颌骨的解剖结构和种植区骨量,确定术中种植的位点、控制植入的方向、缩短了手术时间,具有很好的应用前景。
Objective To evaluate the effectiveness and accuracy of implant surgical template by computeraided designing and manufacturing(CAD/CAM). Methods Both upper and lower jaws of the patients were scanned with Computed Tomography (CT) Scanner according to the requirements of the template manufacturing software. Position of the implants as well as the prosthesis was simulated in alveolar bone by the template guidance software based on the obtained CT data. Surgical template was then fabricated according to prosthetic driven philosophy with precision. Surgery was done guided by the CAD/CAM surgical template. Results In all 16 cases using surgical template fabricated by CAD/ CAM technique, all implants were inserted to the correct position and direction and restored successfully. Conclusion Surgical guiding template by CAD/CAM technique was fabricated integrating precise information of the anatomy and bone quantity of proposed implant sites. Its application helped to obtain accurate implant position from prosthetic point of view and shorten operation time dramatically, precise implant direction as well as dramatically shorten the operation time. Therefore, the application of CAD/CAM implant surgical guiding template shows a positive and promising clinical potential.
Journal of Modern Stomatology