
协作型虚拟机中设备虚拟化研究 被引量:3

Research on Device Virtualization in Cooperative Virtual Machine
摘要 针对当前系统虚拟化中设备模型难以通用、I/O执行效率低等问题,提出一种基于多核平台的设备虚拟化方案。将传统的消息式I/O处理转换成实时I/O处理,通过I/O传递协议消除I/O处理部件与虚拟机监控器(VMM)的紧耦合,在改善I/O处理效率的同时,提高设备虚拟化模型的通用性,结合协作型VMM完成对设备虚拟化的设计与实现。测试结果表明,该方案能提升I/O执行效率,适用于多种虚拟化系统。 Against the problems in current virtual systems such as device models are difficult to be used in common and low efficiency of I/O implementation, this paper proposes a solution of device virtualization based on multi-core platform. It changes the traditional news-style I/O processing into real-time I/O processing and eliminates I/O processing unit tightly coupled with the Virtual Machine Monitor(VMM) through I/O transfer protocol. It improves I/O processing efficiency while improves the versatility of the virtual model. It completes the design and realization of device virtualization based on a cooperative VMM. Test results show that the solution can improve I/O efficiency, and be commonly used in some other virtualization systems.
出处 《计算机工程》 CAS CSCD 2012年第14期283-286,共4页 Computer Engineering
关键词 虚拟化 设备模型 协作模型 I/O分发 设备仿真 虚拟中断 virtualization device model cooperative model I/O distribution device emulation virtual interruption
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