

Thoughts on International Market Development of Nursing Graduates
摘要 当前,人才流动的全球化和国际护理人才的短缺,促进了国内涉外护理专业的发展。为了开拓涉外护理专业国际就业市场,必须加快国际化步伐,积极推进合作办学;推进护理专业学生的国际性流动;推行ISPN专业资格认证考试;加强与国内涉外医疗机构的联系,拓展学生后续职业发展空间。 Nowadays, the international migration of professionals and shortage of nurses all over the world have accelerated the development of international nursing major. To explore the international market of nursing graduates, it is necessary to speed up the pace of internationalization, build up the partnership in nursing major with the western countries, stimulate the international migration of nursing graduates, carry out ISPN, strengthen the relationship with the Chinese and foreign medical institutions and expand the space of nursing students' following self -develooment in their career.
出处 《湖北职业技术学院学报》 2012年第2期28-30,53,共4页 Journal of Hubei Polytechnic Institute
基金 湖北职业技术学院课题"涉外护理人才培养与国际化实习就业的相关问题研究"(课题编号:2010A06)的研究成果之一
关键词 涉外护理 国际化 护理人才 涉外医疗 international nursing internationalization nurse medical treatment concerning foreign affairs
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