

Global Ethic and Confucius' Thought of Virtue:Reexamination on Declaration To ward a Global Ethic
摘要 全球伦理致力于从人类数千年来的宗教传统和伦理传统中,发现普遍的宗教-伦理原则,其本质上属于启蒙传统,是现代性规则伦理学的新变种,因之它陷入现代道德之困境而不能自我拯救是必然的。因此,必须吸收古典德性伦理学智慧,将德性伦理学对特定民族之独特道德追求的尊重纳入到全球伦理的建构范围,并将其与规则伦理学的形式化道德命令相互补充,使全球伦理有着更为确切、更能相容各民族道德伦理之特点的多元陈述,只有这样才能形成超越、克服伦理学现代困境之基本视域。儒家先圣孔子的思想中有着丰富的德性实践理性智慧,他关于"仁"的学说和关于理想的道德人格"君子"的学说,可以为全球伦理的建构提供直接的思想资源。此外,对全球伦理建构更有意义的是儒家德性实践智慧借之实现的内在超越方式,它将东方内在超越的精神与西方外在超越的传统相结合,开辟出一条全球伦理建构的健康之路。 Throughout the religious and ethical tradition of human beings in the past thousands of years,the Global Ethic tries to find out a universal religious-ethical principle.Therefore,on the one hand,it takes a position of ethical normativism,and it also pursues the basic demands of ethics.Essentially speaking,this determines the Global Ethic itself as a part of the tradition of Enlightenment,and is a new variation of the normative ethics of modernity.Because of this,it inevitably falls into the dilemma of modern morality without any solution from within.What the modern scholars should do now is to absorb the wisdom of classical virtue ethics,that is,to bring the respect of different people for their unique pursuit of morality from the virtue ethics into the Global Ethic,and makes it an inner part of the Global Ethic so that it should be in parallel with the formal moral imperative of normative ethics.This kind of resolution reveals the multiple viewpoints of different people about moral ethics vividly,and only in this way can the Global Ethic transcend the past while overcoming the problem and bondage of modern morality and enter into a new horizon.Confucius talked much about the wisdom of practical reason related to virtue,and his thoughts about rén(仁,Humaneness) and Jūnzǐ(君子,nobleman),the latter of which focus on the investigation of the ideal of moral personality,are the representative eastern ethical resources for the construction of the Global Ethic.More importantly,the inner-transcending way towards the moral personality is much more meaningful for the new order of the Global Ethic.In a nutshell,an effective way for the construction of the Global Ethic is to combine the eastern way of inner-transcendence with the western way of outer-transcendence through seeking some enlightenment from the practical wisdom of Confucianism.
作者 傅永军
机构地区 山东大学
出处 《云南大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第4期58-63,112,共6页 The Journal of Yunnan University:Social Sciences Edition
基金 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大课题"宗教与哲学互动关系研究"(项目号:07JJD730052)的阶段性研究成果
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