
缓冲气体压力对铷原子吸收特性的影响 被引量:1

Influence of Buffer Gas Pressure on Rubidium Atomic Absorption
摘要 铷原子吸收线宽很窄,通过充入定量缓冲气体,可以加宽铷原子的泵浦吸收线宽,从而可以提高铷原子对泵浦光的吸收效率。通过计算模拟,找到入射泵浦光谱宽、入射泵浦强度和缓冲气体压力之间的对应关系,找到最佳的实验工作条件,最终实现铷原子对离泵浦中心频率一定范围内的泵浦吸收效率很高,同时保证在泵浦谱宽范围内的总泵浦吸收效率也很高。模拟结果显示:随着缓冲气体压力的增大,铷原子吸收线宽不断增加,但是泵浦光的总吸收效率下降的并不明显。 The absorption linewidth of the rubidium atom is very narrow, the pump absorption linewidth of the rubidium atom can be wider by filling a ration of buffer gas, and the absorption rate of the pump light can be also improved. The correspondence among the incident pump spectral width, incident pump intensity and the buf- fer gas pressure is gained, the best working conditions are also found. The high pump absorption efficiency from the center frequency for rubidium atom can be achieved, the total pump absorption efficiency within the spectral width can be also ensured. The simulation results show that with the increasing of the buffer gas pressure, the ab- sorption linewith of the rubidium atom increases, but the total absorption efficiency of the pump light decreases unobviouslv.
出处 《光电技术应用》 2012年第3期46-49,共4页 Electro-Optic Technology Application
基金 国家部委基金(9140C150104100C1501)
关键词 原子吸收线宽 吸收效率 模拟 中心频率 atomic absorption linewidth absorption efficiency simulation center of frequency
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