
论国有商业银行信贷权治理的经济性与合理性 被引量:4

Analysis of Economic and Rational Regulation of Credit Management of State Owned Commercial Banks
摘要 据调查 ,国有商业银行不少分支行的不良资产中 ,有相当一部分与信贷权的不当运用呈正相关关系。究其治理原因在于 :以审贷部门分离为基础 ,以审贷委员会为核心的多层级、诸环节的治理模式 ,具有信贷权主体性管理尚不规范、信贷决策人与审贷委员会之间法治关系矛盾、信贷权的程序性保护规定不尽完善等问题。以至使贷款的经营责任难以区分 ,治理效果趋于低效或无效 ,治理模式具有不经济性。因此 ,应当按照“以落实经营责任来强化信贷权的治理 ,并以经济合理的方式去追究经营责任”的原则来解决问题。对此 。 According to the statistics, there’s great deal of non-performing property in the branches of commercial banks is in proportion to the mis-using or abusing the power of granting a loan. The reason in theory lies in: The management mode that based on the separate approving and granting, which takes Loan Approval Committee as the core accompanied by muti-levels and links has a lot of problems such as irregular management in loan claim right; contradiction in lawful relationship between the credit decision and Loan Approval Committee and incompletion in the programmable regulations of loan claim right management. So it’s hard to distinguish the operation responsibility in loan, management is in low effect or in vain, and the operation mode is uneconomical. In brief, the principle that “strengthening the loan claim right by realizing operation responsibility, and chasing the responsibility by an economically reasonable mode” should be put into use to solve the problems. Therefore, the author offered five suggestions.
作者 倪宏伟
出处 《金融研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2000年第5期99-107,共9页 Journal of Financial Research
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