资源性城市是指有 4 0 %以上的劳动力人口以直接或间接方式从事同种资源开发、生产和经营活动的城市 ,由于对资源的高度依赖性 ,造成了资源性城市发展的特定规律 ,即很大程度上取决于该城市资源的采掘和保证程度。本文就典型的资源性城市盘锦市经济发展现状进行了比较准确的分析估量 ,并对当前金融对经济支持过程中存在的问题及原因提出了金融支持的六方面政策措施 。
Resourceful city is defined as the city where over 40 percent of labors are undertaking the same exploitation of natural resources,production and operation either directly or indirectly.Therefore,because of heavily relying on the natural resources,the developments of resourceful cities are particularly depended on the resources exploitage and resources availability.The paper analyzed the typical situation of Panjia's economic development and pointed out the problems and course in the current financial support to the economic development.Finally the author suggested six aspects policy measures and hopefully it will have dircetive guidance to other resourceful cities.
Journal of Financial Research