
面向全球市场的技术竞争:地位变化、竞争力和适应效应——基于WIPO的PCT申请统计分析 被引量:3

Global Technological Competition: Change in Status,Competitiveness and Adaptation Effect
摘要 随着PCT程序成为世界创新者谋求国际专利的有效途径,世界各国PCT申请格局的演变已成为全球技术竞争动态的重要反映。近年来中国PCT申请量全球排名不断跃升,使其在全球技术竞争中的表现成为国际科技政策的关注点。本文在对有关研究文献、数据来源和分析方法进行概述的基础上,首先根据各国PCT申请量所占世界份额的变化,对其在全球竞争中的地位及不同技术组中的重要性的变化进行了考察;其次,借鉴恒定市场份额分析法,对排位靠前的十大PCT申请国在面向全球市场的技术竞争中的地位变化进行因素分解分析,并得出中国在当前全球技术机会快速增长领域上的适应能力有待提高,进而探讨了其政策含义。 The volumes of PCT applications and their dynamics of different countries have been used to reflect the pattern of global technological competitioicaln and its change due to the WIPO′s PCT application procedure being widely adopted by the world′s major innovators since 2000.With its global ranking of PCT applications quickly jumped,China′s performance in the global technological competition has been heavily debated globally.This paper firstly analyzes the position of the 10 leading countries in the global technological competition and their changes according their world shares of PCT applications based on WIPO′s PCT application statistics from 2000 to 2010.Secondly,a decomposition analysis of the changes in the positions of the above 10 countries in the global technological competition is undertaken by using to the constant market share method as a reference.Finally,the policy implications are discussed based on the above analytic results.
作者 俞文华
出处 《世界经济研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第7期3-9,87,共7页 World Economy Studies
  • 相关文献


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