Study theoptimization of INS( Inertial Navigation System) uniform control equations. The classical uni- form equations are integrative which only meet the need of specific damping-net. In order to simplify the program ar- rangement of INS computer, a new kind of INS uniform control equations which treated horizontal damping-net as dis- turbance was proposed. The INS control equations were separated from damping-net and the output of damping-net was treated as disturbance for INS when the block diagram was reordered. The INS undamped mode equations were used in all kinds of conditions. The realization of control equations and damping-net was modularized, which enor- mously simplified the realization and deduction of control equations for INS computer. The flow chart of computer op- eration progress was established. It also represented INS simulations both on stationary base and moving base in vari- ous damping modes, including undamped, interior damping and exterior damping modes. The result indicates that these uniform control equations are much more simple and practical, and effectively represent the movement of INS parameters.
Computer Simulation