
傈僳族垂直农业的生态人类学研究——以云南省迪庆州维西县同乐村为例 被引量:5

Ecological Anthropological Researches on the Vertical Agriculture of Lisu People: A Case Study in TongLe Village of in Weixi County of Yunnan Province
摘要 云南省迪庆藏族自治州维西傈僳族自治县叶枝镇同乐村是澜沧江流域典型的傈僳族村寨,也是联合国教科文组织命名的生态文化村。同乐村的傈僳族在长期的历史发展中,根据海拔差异创造了一套行之有效的垂直农业系统。该系统最大程度的利用了自然资源,保证了本民族的基本生活需要。本文应用生态人类学的适应理论,利用参与观察法、深度访谈法等人类学田野调查方法,对同乐村傈僳族的垂直农业系统进行了研究。研究表明,傈僳族对生态环境的适应不仅表现在最大程度的利用自然资源,而且形成了一套与之相适应的传统文化体系。但随着滇西北经济社会的发展,同乐村傈僳族垂直农业系统和传统文化体系受到了极大的挑战。只有正确处理经济社会发展与垂直农业系统及与之相适应的传统文化体系之间的关系才能实现经济发展和文化保护同步进行,走一条农业可持续发展之路。 The TongLe village of in Weixi County, Yunnan Province, is a typical Lisu village in the Langcang River Basin. It is located at the national protection zone of traditional culture of Lisupeople and is named an ecological cultural village by UNESCO. Based on distinctive climate diversities of climate at different altitudes, the Lisu people have developed an effective vertical agriculture system. They cultivate rice and wheat in the river basin at an altitude of 1740m; plant corns, nuts, fruits and vegetables around the village at an altitude of 1840m and buckwheat, potato, herbs in the upper"swidden land"at an altitude of 2000m. They also herd draught animals in the alpine meadow at an altitude of 2500m. Based on my fieldwork, this paper has studied the vertical agriculture system and the acculturation of Lisu people in Tongle village by apply theories of Ecological Anthropology, and and employing several anthropology field survey methods such as participant observation and in-depth interviews as the basic methods of Anthropology to discuss the vertical agriculture system and the acculturation of Lisu people in TongLe village. I find that the Lisu people have not only properly utilized the natural resources, but also have developed a related cultural system to facilitate their agriculture production. The vertical agriculture system is comprised of the interrelationship among rice field in the basin, plowland near the village, "swidden land" and the pasture. During difficult production years in one component of this vertical agricultural system, such as floods in the basin, food security is assured by maximizing agricultural production at other altitudes. This diversified livelihood strategy provides a stable foundation forof Lisu people in Tongle village. However, the vertical agriculture system and traditional culture of Lisu people are under challenges with the economic and social development of Northwest Yunnan. First of all First, the lack of labor force is the main threat to the vertical agriculture system. Most young people go out to find a job, and no one wants to work with the old parents in the village. Second, the protection of local religion is weakening. New ideas from outside make young people disobey the worship of the mountain spirit and destroy the forest. Third, the influence of market supply and demand increasingly shapes and changes agricultural and cultural practices. Mushrooms and walnut oil are the most profitable products in Tongle village. The Lisu people put so much time into producing these cash crops that traditional forest products, like the lacquer tree, are being replaced by more profitable forest products like the walnut tree. And last, overgrazing with new collective livestock herding practices is are endangering the high mountain pastures. Putting livestock together is a good way to keep the herd safe from bears, but when the population exceeds the capacity of the environment, environmental degradation is inevitable. To respond positively, sustainable development is a way for Lisu people to enhance their living standards and maintain their traditional culture.
出处 《资源科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2012年第7期1207-1213,共7页 Resources Science
基金 国家科技部科技基础性工作专项:"澜沧江中下游与大香格里拉地区科学考察"(编号:2008FY110300) 云南大学"211工程"三期民族学重点学科建设项目:"生态人类学理论与方法的中国化研究"
关键词 垂直农业 傈僳族 生态人类学 生计模式 Vertical agriculture Lisu people Ecological anthropology Livelihood
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