

A Probe into the innovation of the urban and rural grassroots social administration and public service system——Based on the investigation of the south area of Xiaogan city of Hubei province
摘要 基于对湖北省孝感市孝南区社会管理和服务工作的调查研究与分析,当前城乡基层社会管理主要面临基层社会管理和服务体制创新突破难度较大;城乡社区建设有待完善,发展欠平衡;社会组织发育不足,社会管理协同参与度较低三大突出问题,在此基础上,有针对性地提出加强和完善城乡基层社会管理和服务的对策与建议。 Based on the investigation of the social administration and public service in the south area of Xiaogan city of Hubei province, the urban and rural grassroots social administration is confronted with many difficulties. The construction of urban and rural community remains to be perfected and the development needs to be balanced. The social organizations are not well developed and the social management is not well cooperated. On the basis of the investigation, we put forward countermeasures for strengthening and perfecting the urban and rural social administration and public service.
作者 林琼 方堃
出处 《新余学院学报》 2012年第4期5-8,共4页 Journal of Xinyu University
关键词 基层社会管理 公共服务 城乡社区 社会组织 grassroots social administration public service urban and rural community social organization
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