Objective To summarize the clinical and echocardiographic features of cardiac myxomas. Methods The medical records of patients with diagnosis of cardiac myxomas who hospitalized in our department from October 1985 to February 2011 were analyzed. Results A total of 64 patients were enrolled [ 40 female, the mean age was 2 -77 (47 ±17)years]. The main complaints were palpitation (n = 24, 38%), short breath (n=23, 36%), fever (n = 13, 20%), chest tightness (n = 11, 17%), dizziness (n = 10, 16%), fatigue (n = 10, 16% ), weight loss (n = 10, 16% ), syncope ( n =9, 14% ), edema ( n =8, 13% ) ; and thrombus embolisms (n = 13, 20% ) , including stroke ( n =7, 11% ) and periphery artery embolism ( n = 6, 9% ). The interval from symptoms onset to diagnosis (surgical removal) ranged from 1 day to 9 years (median: 3 months). Single myxoma was detected in 62 (97%) patients (58 in left atria, 2 in right atria and 2 in right ventricle) and multiple myxomas were found in 2 (3%) patients and one patient was diagnosed as Carney syndrome. The mean size of tumor assessed by echocardiography was (5. 0 ±1.8 ) cm × ( 2. 9 ±1. 0) cm. All myxomas were surgically removed ( 54 patients received operation in our hospital and 10 patients were operated in other hospitals) and diagnosis was confirmed during operation and the mezm myxoma size obtained from operation was ( 5.4 ±1.6 ) cm × ( 3.6 ±1.3 ) cm ×( 2. 6 ±1.2) cm (P 〉 0. 05 vs. tumor size assessed by echocardiography). The locations of tumor stalks found by echocardiography were confirmed during surgei7 in most cases(97% ). Incidence of NYHA class HI diagnosis was more often in patients with right heart myxomas [3 cases(3/4)]than in patients with left atrium myxomas [ 17% (10/58), P 〈0. 05 ]. Conclusions Clinical manifestations of cardiac myxomas were various and non-specific. Echocardiography remains the most valuable diagnosis tool for patients with cardiac myxomas.
Chinese Journal of Cardiology