
绒毛状烟草BAC文库的构建 被引量:4

BAC Library Construction of Villi Tobacco(Nicotiana tomentosiformis)
摘要 绒毛状烟草是重要的野生种烟草之一。本研究以CopyControlTMpCClBACTM(HindⅢCloning-Ready)Vector为载体,构建了绒毛状烟草的BAC文库。分析结果表明,BAC文库DNA插入片段为50-200kb,平均110kb,空载率〈2%。随机挑选15个克隆进行稳定性继代试验,100代后插入片段仍然稳定存在。该绒毛状烟草BAC文库的建成,为进一步克隆重要功能基因提供了必备的物质平台。 Villi tobacco (Nicotiana tomentosiformis) is an important species of wild tobacco. The BAC library was constructed with CopyControlTM pCC1BACTM (HindIII Cloning-Ready) Vector. From the analysis of randomly selected BAC clones, the inserted DNA size of BAC library ranged from 50 to 200 kb; the average estimated was 1 l0 kb; the empty clone was less than 2%; the insert was stable in a hundred generations.
出处 《中国烟草科学》 CSCD 2012年第3期68-71,共4页 Chinese Tobacco Science
基金 国家烟草专卖局重点科技项目“烟草cDNA文库构建及重要基因表达谱研究”(110200701021)
关键词 绒毛状烟草 BAC文库 烟草 villi tobacco BAC library tobacco
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