
六方会谈重启的必然性及难点分析 被引量:2

Difficulty and Inevitability of Reopening Six-Party Talks
摘要 自朝鲜退出六方会谈以来,朝鲜半岛局势日趋紧张。深入分析朝鲜半岛时局变化特征,找出半岛危机频发的根源,采取合理的应对措施极为重要。由于朝鲜半岛时局危机频发,作为多边对话机制的六方会谈的重要性越来越突出,其意义已经超出和平解决朝核问题本身,成为维护地区局势稳定的需要。鉴于六方会谈有关各国立场和实际努力,六方会谈重启只是时间问题,重新开启六方会谈也将有效推动朝韩、朝美关系改善。 Since North Korea withdrew from the Peninsula are rising. It is significant to make an changes indepth Six-Party Talks, tensions on the Korean analysis on the features of the situational on the Peninsula, search for the root causes that have triggered frequent conflicts and crises, and eventually, take effective measures accordingly. Given the frequent conflicts happening on the Peninsula, the Six-Party Talks, as a multilateral dialogue mechanism, is being attached ever increasing importance. Its significance has gone beyond a search for peaceful solution to the nuclear issue itself, which makes the talks a necessity in maintaining regional stability. Taking into consideration the stance taken by each country and the efforts made respectively, the reopening of the Six-Party Talks is only a matter of time. The progress made in the talks is also to improve the relationship between North and South Korea, as well as the relationship between North Korea and USA.
作者 毕颖达
出处 《当代韩国》 2012年第2期36-44,共9页 Contemporary Korea
关键词 朝鲜半岛 朝核危机 六方会谈 多边安全合作 Korean Peninsula, North Korean Nuclear Crisis, Six-Party Talks,Multilateral Security Cooperation
  • 相关文献



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