In the year 1943, when the war with Japan was at its most intense, a Chinese aircraft bearing the number of C-53 and piloted by Mr. Fox, a 24-year-old American, crashed on its way across the notorious 'camel's hump'. This was one of the 563 crashes that had taken place on this most dangerous air route of the world. In the year that followed, a team headed by Mr. Hanks, who was employed by the same Chinese company as Mr. Fox but had never met the latter, was sent out to search for the remains of the plane, but in vain. 53 years later, Mr. Hanks, a Marylander over eighty now, again found himself at Mount Gaoligong, where he and his Chinese assistants walked for five entire days in thorny bushes at an elevation of about 10,000 feet, until finally they saw, amidst vines and rocks, the crashed C-53......