1HM Treasury, The Financial Challenge to Crime and Terrorism, February 28, 2007.
2The National Commission on Terrorist Attacks upon the United States, Monograph on Terrorist Financing, StaFf Report to the Commis- sion, August 21, 2004.
3Jonathan M. Winer, Congressional testimony before the Committee on Senate Governmental Affairs, July 31, 2003, http: //www. globalseeurity, org/seeurity/library/eongress/2003_ h/030731 - winer, htm.
4Howard Vincent Meehan, "Terrorism, Diasporas, and Permissive Threat Environments. A Study of Hizballah g Fundraising Operations in Paraguay and Ecuador", Naval Postgraduate School, December 2004.
5Scott Wilson, "Lebanese Wary of a Rising Hezbollah", The Washington Post, December 20, 2004.
6Howard Vincent Meehan, "Terrorism, Diasporas, and Permissive Threat Environments. A Study of Hizballah ~ Fundraising Operations in Paraguay and Ecuador", Naval Postgraduate School, December 2004.
7United Kingdom Home Office (2006), Report of the Official Account of the Bombings in London on 7th July 2005, London, www. homeoffice, gov. uk/documents/7 - july - report? version = 1.
8Hearing before the Committee on International Relations House of Representatives, "Intellectual Property Crimes: Are Proceeds From Counterfeited Goods Funding Terrorism?" Serial No. 108 -48, July 16, 2003.
9The United States Chamber of Commerce, "Anti - Counterfeiting and Piracy Update," Outrage of the Month for May 2006.
10Hearing before the Committee on International Relations House of Representatives, "Intellectual Property Crimes: Are Proceeds From Counterfeited Goods Funding Terrorism?" Serial No. 108 -48, July 16, 2003.