5Charles Taylor et al. Multiculturalism: Examining the Politics of Recognition ( 《文化多元主义:承认政治的考察》) (Princetion Univ Press 1994). See my criticism there of the conmmnitarian notion of cultural rights as collective rights. Id at 107.
6On the concept of such "encompassing groups", see Avishai Margalit & Joseph Raz, National Self- Determination, in The Right of Minority Cuhures 79-92, 81 et seq. (Will Kymlicka ed. Oxford Univ 1995).
7Grenzen Als Therma Der Rechtsund sozialphilosophie,archiv F.rrechts-und sozialphilosophie-supplement limtts as a subject of legal and social philosophy 84*(W Brugger & G Haverkate deu 2002).
8Benedicy de Spinoza, The Tractatus Theologico- Politicus in The Political Works (A G Wemham ed., trans, Oxford Univ Press1958) (1670), Chaper20.