
自闭症的知觉特异性与知觉功能促进化理论 被引量:4

Autistic Atypical Perception Based on the Enhanced Perceptual Functioning Theory
摘要 知觉特异性是自闭症的典型症状之一,掌握自闭症的特异性知觉特征对理解自闭症的认知、行为及其诊断、治疗有重要意义。21世纪初提出的知觉功能促进化理论很好地解释了自闭症的知觉特异性特征,引起了科学研究与临床领域的重视。本文介绍了自闭症的知觉功能促进化理论及其发展,并以该理论为框架,介绍自闭症的知觉特异性特征及其对自闭症行为特征的影响,期望通过对知觉特异性特征的理解和理论反思,能够对自闭症的教育与治疗有所裨益。 A typical perception, one of the primary symptoms in people with autism, could not only help understand their cognitive and behavioral characteristics, but also contribute to autistic diagnosis and intervention. Enhanced Perceptual Functioning theory well elaborated on atypical perception in autism and aroused great attention in scientific study and clinical practice. This article proposed to introduce the Enhanced Perceptual Functioning theory which, as a framework, contributed to understanding the atypical perceptual characteristics and its effect on behavioral improvement. Comprehension of atypical perception and introspection of the theory could instruct autistic education and treatment.
作者 吴冉 徐光兴
出处 《心理研究》 2012年第4期13-19,共7页 Psychological Research
关键词 自闭症 知觉特异性 知觉功能促进化 autism atypical perception enhanced perceptual functioning
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