常规三维地震资料处理是以寻找深层油气为主要目标而设计的流程,在利用三维地震资料进行浅层地质条件评价和地质灾害评估时,需要针对浅部目标层进行高分辨率处理方法的研究。通过处理试验,发现影响浅层分辨率的处理参数与深层不同,从而确定了浅层处理中的最优参数;通过对琼东南盆地1 248km2的三维地震数据利用不同偏移距进行处理,形成了3种地震数据体。通过对3种数据体的分析比较及综合考虑分辨率与信噪比后,选用偏移距250~1 650m的数据体进行解释研究,确定浅层地质条件,评估潜在的地质灾害。
The aim of the conventional processing of 3D seismic data is to explore oil and gas in the deeper part. However,shallow layers become the target when we use 3D seismic data to evaluate the geologic conditions and geohazard in shallow part. Processing tests were carried out in order to find out suitable parameters for improving the resolution of shallow layers. Reprocessing of 3D seismic data covering an area of 1 248 km2in the Qiongdongnan Basin was conducted using different offsets. Three seismic data volume was obtained. The seismic data volume of 250-1 650 offset was chosen to assess the geoiogic conditions and geohazard in shallow depth after analysis of the resolution and signal-tonoise ratio of the three seismic date volume.
Marine Geology Frontiers