目的调查并分析某三级甲等医院临床护理人员标本采集相关知识的认知情况,为提高实验室检验结果的准确性及加强对护理人员采集标本的管理提供依据。方法 2012年1-2月采用便利抽样法抽取医院407名临床护理人员作为研究对象,采用自行设计的问卷进行临床护理人员标本采集相关知识认知的调查。结果 407名临床护理人员标本采集相关知识总得分为20~60分,平均(41.13±9.82)分;不同年龄、工作年限、科室及职称的临床护理人员标本采集相关知识的认知程度的差异有统计学意义(均P<0.05)。407名临床护理人员中361名(88.7%)表示现有标本采集相关知识不能完全满足临床需求,394名(96.81%)表示愿意接受标本采集相关知识的培训,认为获取标本采集相关知识的主要途径是专题讲座指导(79.85%)和实践指导(72.48%)。结论医院管理者应制定标本采集的管理规范,加强对临床护理人员标本采集相关知识的培训与考核。
Objective To investigate the clinical nursing staff's awareness related to specimen collection,so as to provide the basis for improving the accuracy of laboratory tests and enhancing the specimen collecting management. Methods From January to Febrary 2012,a self-designed questionnaire was adopted to investigate 420 clinical nursing staff selected by convenient sampling on their awareness of specimen collec- tion -related knowledge. Results The total scores of 407 clinical nureses were 20 - 60, with a mean of 41. 134-9.82. Siginificant differences were obsereved on the nures with varied ages, work experience, departments and job titles(P〈0.05). Of 407 clinical nurses,361(88.7%)held that the existing knowledge of specimen collection could not fully meet the clinical needs and 394 (96.81%)expressed their willingness to accept training and retraining of the specimen collection related knowledge. Meanwhile, the clinical nurses took seminars guidance (79.85%) and practical guidance (72.48%) as the main ways to obtain specimen collection knowledge. Conclusion The hospital administrators should attach attention to the management of specimen collection management to strengthen the training and regular assessment of clinical nursing staff.
Nursing Journal of Chinese People's Liberation Army
clinical nursing staff
specimen collection