
CSCL中促进协作知识建构的策略 被引量:13

Strategies for Promoting Collaborative Knowledge Building in CSCL
摘要 计算机支持的协作学习(CSCL)是近年来教育技术和学习科学研究的热点,协作知识建构是CSCL的主要学习方式和学习目标,如何支持和促进协作知识建构是教育研究者和实践者关注的焦点问题之一。在社会建构主义和对话学习理论基础上建立的基于对话的教学设计和基于研究与实践的协作学习过程模型可以作为一种系统的教学模式,引入到CSCL学习环境中来支持协作知识建构。网络环境下协作学习困难和问题调查,以及CSCL课程实践证明:旨在提高学生对话能力,促进学生不同类型对话产生和发展,培养学生批判性思维能力的促进协作知识建构的教学设计和实施策略是有效的,学生在协作学习中能掌握并运用这些策略来促进协作学习,实现知识建构的目标。 Computer supported collaborative learning (CSCL) has recently become a research focus in educational technology and the learning sciences. Collaborative knowledge building (CKB) is the main approach and goal of CSCL, and how to support and facilitate CKB has attracted the attention of many researchers and educational practitioners. Based on social constructivism and dialogic learning theory, dialogue-based instructional design and process model developed through research and practice may serve as a systematic instructional model and be embedded in CSCL environment to support CKB. The problems and difficulties in collaborative learning explored by survey and the online course teaching practice in CSCL environment have proved that these strategies are effective, capable of improving the learner's dialogue ability, promoting different types of dialogue, and improving their critical thinking skills. The learners can master these strategies and employ them to promote their collaborative learning, achieving the knowledge building goals.
作者 柴少明
出处 《现代远程教育研究》 CSSCI 2012年第4期35-40,共6页 Modern Distance Education Research
基金 教育部教育科学研究"十一五"重点课题"计算机支持的协作学习(CSCL)促进意义建构的研究"(DCA060100)和"网络学习社区的构建及其教学应用模式研究"(DCA080147)
关键词 CSCL 协作知识建构 教学设计策略 教学实践策略 效果与评价 CSCL Collaborative Knowledge Building Instructional Design Strategies Instructional Practice Strategies Effects and Assessment
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