

Discussions on the Video of Position Operation Standards
摘要 分析了目前标准宣贯中存在的问题,提出运用现代化的管理模式,以信息化为载体,探索寓教于乐的标准宣贯新方法——岗位操作类标准视频化,并以此进行岗位练兵,培养高技能人才。 Based on the analysis of problems existing in the present propaganda and implementation, some suggestions are given about exploring the new method of standard propaganda and implementation the video of position operation standards by the use of modern management mode and with the information as the carrier. And then position training is done according to this so as to foster high-technology talents.
出处 《石油工业技术监督》 2012年第7期35-36,共2页 Technology Supervision in Petroleum Industry
关键词 标准宣贯 视频化 岗位练兵 standard propaganda and implementation video position training
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  • 2李云平,赵旭东,李薇.加强标准宣贯力度提高标准实施效果[C]//石油工业标准化技术委员会秘书处.第十一届石油工业标准化学术论坛论文集.北京:石油工业出版社,2006:46-48.
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