目的 :评价国产紫杉醇在恶性肿瘤中的治疗价值。方法 :40例肺癌、乳腺癌、食管癌、卵巢癌、睾丸癌及恶性胸腺瘤患者 ,应用紫杉醇单药及以紫杉醇为主联合化疗方案对比观察疗效及毒副反应。结果 :40例恶性肿瘤患者有 14例达PR ,有效率为 35 %。其中单药治疗 12例 ,9例达PR。主要的毒副作用为胃肠道反应、神经毒性及脱发。结论 :国产紫杉醇抗肿瘤谱较广 ,治疗晚期肺癌、乳腺癌、生殖系统肿瘤、食道癌有一定的疗效 ,毒副反应多为Ⅰ—Ⅱ度 ,为可逆性的 。
Purpose:To evaluate the effecacy and side effects of domestic paclitaxel (taxol) in malignance.Methods:40 patients with lung, breast,esophageal,ovary, testis cancers and malignant thynoma,were divided into two groups,treated with single drug or combination, for comparing the effecacy and side effects. Results:There were 14 partial response (PR) with 35% response rate in the 40 cases including 9 PR in 12 cases of single drug group. The main side effects were gastrointestinal disturbance, peripheral neuropathy and alopecia. Conclusions:Taxol is a broad spectrum anti tumor agent with relative good rsponse for many different malignance including advanced Lung,breast,esophageal,testis cancer,and tolerable side effects. Based on our results, as an effective drug,it is possible for taxol to test more tumors.
China Oncology