
非英语专业大学新生英语语调特征分析 被引量:2

Investigation in the English Intonation Features of Non-English-Major College Beginners
摘要 以我国高校非英语专业大学新生为研究对象,通过比较中国英语学习者与英国本族语者的英语语调,调查了中国学习者的语调特征。研究发现,中国英语学习者话语中的语调单位普遍比较短,一个语调单位内经常只有两、三个音节。他们在话语中对突显的使用比较多,而且不规范。他们对英语音调的表意功能不甚了解,音调的选择和使用与英国本族语者相差较大。这些差别说明,刚入校的大学新生英语语调知识和语调应用能力都很缺乏,需要接受英语语调的系统训练,以便提高口语表达的准确性。 This study investigated the English intonation features of some non - English - major college beginners through comparison between their intonation features with those of British native speakers (NSs). The study showed that the Chinese learners'English tone units are generally shorter than that of NSs. The learners as- signed irregularly more prominence to words than NSs in a same given discourse. The learners knew little of the functional meaning of English tones, and their usage of tone was quite different from that of NSs. The findings showed that college beginners were lack of the knowledge and application ability of English intonation. They need to accept systematic training on
作者 林萍
机构地区 平顶山学院
出处 《平顶山学院学报》 2012年第3期105-110,共6页 Journal of Pingdingshan University
关键词 非英语专业 大学新生 英语语调 特征 non - English English intonation so as to express their meaning accurately. - major college beginners English intonation features
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