几十平方米大小的房间里,一半四白落地,一半被各色颜料涂了个乱七八糟,没有像样的家具.甚至也没有沙发、电视机,这些信手涂抹的画作构成了室内装饰的主体。它们从墙壁一路蔓延开去,铺满天花板、窗户、床单、地板,大胆而强烈的视觉冲击令每一个来访者颤栗,恍惚间,以为来到了伦敦东区的著名涂鸦街。这里是旅馆,也是原创艺术展示空间,位于法国马赛市中心的艺术酒店Au Vieus Panier改变了传统的经营模式,将6个大小不一的客房交由艺术家自由创作,以绘画、涂鸦、摄影等多种装饰元素的混搭设计,赋予酒店空间新的场所体验与精神内涵。
Au Vieus Ponier, the art hotel located in thecentef of Morseilles, Fronce, changed the traditional business model, glues the six rooms of different sizes to the artists, end lets them produce their works of art freely. The artists mix the design of pointing, graffiti, photography and other decorotiue elements, 91ulng the hotel new experience spaces and spiritual content.