
日本幕末、明治时代两部《论语》新疏的校勘学成就——《论语集说》与《论语会笺》 被引量:2

Textual Criticism Achievements on the Two New Commentary Books of The Confucian Analects in Bakumatsu and Meiji Dynasty—— from the Confucian Analects Variorum and the Confucian Analects Annotations
摘要 日本幕末与明治时代接连诞生了两部《论语》新疏,一部是安井息轩的《论语集说》,另一部则是竹添光鸿的《论语会笺》。这两部新疏是日本儒学史乃至整个《论语》学史上的重要著作,两位作者也是著名的儒学家,但是在我国学术界,长时间以来几乎不知二书的存在,即使是日本学界,关注者及相关研究亦甚少。实际上,安井息轩于《论语集说》最为用力,在其晚年才得以杀青,而《论语会笺》也是竹添光鸿经过长期地修改校订而完成的会心之作。然而迄今关于《论语集说》与《论语会笺》的研究,大多都没有注意到安井息轩与竹添光鸿的校勘学成就,对于《论语集说》全无论及,而关于《论语会笺》则仅举其所用互校的本子而已。 The two new commentary books of The Confucian Analects were published in succession in Bakumatsu and Meiji Dynasty. One was The Confucian Analects Variorum (YASUI sokken), and another one was The Confucian Analects Annotations (TAKEZOE koukou). The two books have been very impor- tant works in Japanese Confucianism history or even in the whole Confucian analects history, and the au- thors (YASUI sokken and TAKEZOE koukou) have been famous Confucians at the same time. But in Chi- nese academic circles, most people didn't know their existence for a long time. Yet in Japanese academic circles, followers and related studies were rarely. Actually, YASUI sokken devoted considerable attention to The Confucian Analects Variorum and finished it at the end of his life, as to TAKEZOE koukou, whose book was a proud work which completed by a long-term Revise and edit. So far, however, that almost studies on The Confucian Analects Variorum and The Confucian Analects Annotations have neglected their textual criticism achievements. The Confucian Analects Variorum was not involved at all, and The Confu clan Analects Annotations was only cited by its inter-collated version. This paper aims to study Collating attitudes, collating methods and details of the two books, and tries to discuss their merits and demerits, similarities and differences, and significance in Japanese textual criticism history.
作者 石立善
出处 《湖南大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第4期44-48,共5页 Journal of Hunan University(Social Sciences)
基金 上海市教委创新重点项目(12ZS127) 上海市浦江人才计划项目(11PJC089) 上海市曙光人才计划项目(10SG44)
关键词 日本儒学 四书学 安井息轩 《论语集说》 竹添光鸿 《论语会笺》 Japanese Confucianism Si-Shu-Xue YASUI sokken The Confucian Analects Variorum TAKEZOE koukou The Confucian Analects Annotations
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  • 1《汉文大系》第一册卷首《四书例言》东京.富山房,1909年.
  • 2伊东裙相《论语集说·序》.
  • 3宫崎市定《[论语]老读んたたち》,《东风西雅》所收(东京.岩波文库,1978年5月,页114-131).
  • 4町田三郎《安井息轩[论语集说]につぃて》.《东方学论集.东方学会创立五十周年记念》(东京.东方学会,1997年5月,页1079-1092).
  • 5《江户の汉学者たち》东京.研文出版,1998年6月,页204-218.
  • 6林庆彰《竹添光鸿(左传会笺)的解经方法》,张宝三、杨儒宾编《日本汉学研究初探》所收,台北.喜玛拉雅研究基金会,页47-70,2002年3月.
  • 7《崇文丛书》第二辑东京;崇文院,1934年.
  • 8本文所据版本为台北广文书局1998年影印《崇文丛书》本.
  • 9金培懿《复原与发明-竹添光鸿<论语会笺)之注经途径兼论其于日本汉学发展史上之意义》《中国文哲研究集刊》第30期,台北.中央研究院中国文哲研究所,页307-353,2007年3月.
  • 10金培懿《复原与发明-竹添光鸿(论语会笺)之注经途径兼论其于日本汉学发展史上之意义》,页320.











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