

The Radical Middle of Inter-language Phonology
摘要 本文通过分析Steele对二语音节划分的研究,揭示了中介语音系学面临的方法论困境,指出Steele采取的"完全迁移+普遍语法"的立场从方法论来说是弱假设,并提出了中介语音系学的"激进的中间道路"(RM)作为改进中介语音系学方法论的一种尝试。RM认为,普遍语法实际上是对理论的普遍性的极端追求,中介语音系的原则参数理论不需要诉诸于Chomsky所定义的那种独立于具体语言的普遍语法,从而极大约束了中介语音系学的假设空间。另外,本文在RM框架下讨论了中介语音系的有限性的问题,并提出了中介语音系的羡余性假设以及相应的中介语音系习得的阶段性假设和习得顺序假设。 Starting from a close look at Steele's analysis of L2 syllabification, the present paper discloses the methodological difficulties often confronted by inter-language (IL) phonologi- cal studies, and points out that the Full Transfer + "Universal Grammar" (UG) position adopted by Steele is methodological- ly a weak hypothesis. The Radical Middle (RM) of IL phonolo- gy proposed in the present paper is meant to be a methodology improvement, the tenet of which is that UG, independent of any actual language as defined in Chomsky, should be separated from a Principles and Parameters theory of IL phonology in or- der to better restrict the hypothesis space, for UG actually casts an unattainable universality requirement for linguistic theories. Within the framework of RM, the present paper also discusses the finiteness issue of IL phonology, and proposes the Redun- dancy Hypothesis, the Acquisition Phases Hypothesis and Acqui- sition Order Hypothesis of IL phonology.
作者 杨军
出处 《外语与外语教学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第4期25-29,共5页 Foreign Languages and Their Teaching
基金 教育部人文社科一般规划基金"中国EFL学习者英语音节划分的管辖音系学研究"(项目编号:12YJA740089)阶段性成果
关键词 中介语音系 激进的中间道路 完全迁移 羡余性 inter-language phonology the Radical Middle FullTransfer redundancy
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