
采用变速白光扫描干涉术测量大尺度台阶结构 被引量:4

Measurement of large step structure by using white light speed-variable scanning interferometry
摘要 针对传统白光扫描干涉术在对一些垂直尺度较大器件的测试中,存在测量时间长、信号利用率低等问题,本文提出了应用于白光扫描干涉测量的变速扫描策略,并开发了基于预定义模式的变速扫描和基于自动对焦模式的变速扫描两种具体的实现方式。本文方法能够控制测量系统仅在有干涉条纹存在的空间区域采集图像,而在其它区域加速运行,从而提高了测试效率。测量过程中,通过编写的测量软件控制纳米测量机(NMM),并利用NMM的高精度定位能力实现变速扫描。实验测试了一个100μm台阶结构,相对传统固定步长扫描法,变速扫描在保持高精度的基础上提高了测量效率。 As an important measuring technique, the white light scanning interferometry can realize noncontact,fast and high-accuracy measurement. However, when measuring the large step structure, the white light scanning interferometry has the problems of long time measurement and low signal utilization. In this paper, a kind of speed-variable scanning technique is presented to measure the large step structure to expand its efficiency. This technique has two realizations:the pre-configuration mode and the auto-focusing mode. During the scanning process, the image collection is limited within the coherence ar- ea,and in other positions,the motion is speeded up. The speed-variable scanning is driven by the nano measuring machine (NMM) which reaches nanometer precision and is controlled by the measurement software. The testing result of 100 μm step height illustrates that the speed-variable scanning can improve the efficiency compared with conventional fixed-step scanning and it keeps the same high accuracy.
出处 《光电子.激光》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第8期1529-1534,共6页 Journal of Optoelectronics·Laser
基金 国家自然科学基金(91023022) 质检公益性行业科研专项(201110051)资助项目
关键词 白光干涉术 大尺度台阶 变速扫描 纳米测量机(NMM) 自动对焦 white light interferometry large step structure speed-variable scanning nano-measuringmachine (NMM) auto-focus
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