智能电网是一种新颖的数字化的电气网络,它将电能的生产、配送和控制有机地整合在一起.ZigBee网络由于具有低成本、低功耗、低数据率以及低复杂度等特点,适合应用于智能电网;但是其与无线局域网(WLAN)在同一区域共存将造成ZigBee网络性能的显著下降.针对这一问题,提出了一种多信道的干扰避免策略.通过应用多信道通信的方法,传统的信道切换算法中的"信道切换请求(CSR)的传输受干扰影响"问题得到解决,从而提高了CSR传输的可靠性.实验结果表明,与传统的信道切换算法相比,本文提出的干扰避免策略提高了信道切换的成功率,增强了ZigBee网络在 WLAN 干扰下的可靠性.
Smart grid is a digitally enabled electrical grid system that integrates intelligent power generation, distribution and control. ZigBee network is suitable for smart grid applications in terms of low cost, low power consumption, low data rate and low complexity. The coexistence of ZigBee networks and wireless local area networks (WLAN) has been proven to cause significant degradation to ZigBee performance. A muhi-channei interference avoidance scheme is proposed which can detect interference and adaptively switch to a less interfered channel to avoid WLAN interference. The Channel Switching Request (CSR) Transmitting on the Interfered Channel problem is solved by Multi-channel communication, thus increasing transmission reliability of CSRs. Experimental result shows that, compared with conventional channel switching algorithm, the proposed scheme efficiently improves the success rate of channel switching and mitigates the effect of WLAN interference.
the Natural Science Foundation of China(60804067)
the Important National Science and Technology Specific Project(2010ZX03006-005-01)