
食品安全的“可信性”——基于“公众参与”的分析 被引量:4

The "credibility" of food safety——the analysis based on "public engagement"
摘要 长期以来食品安全的"可信性"依靠"科学的"标准,科学变成了决策的依据。但是科学本身的不确定性不但使科学所树立的权威形象难以维持,而且还可能给政治决策带来失误,层出不穷的食品安全问题使科学与政治备受质疑。科学所面临的"可信性"危机使人们开始从科学内部反思科学在解决问题中是否充分。对公众维度的忽视,是问题不能彻底解决的重要原因。具有经验型技能的公众参与科学,不但使公众的参与从口号走向了现实,也使科学从独断走向生活。食品安全的"可信性"是科学、政治、公众三者共同参与的结果,公众的介入使"科学的可信性"更加充分。 The "credibility" of food safety relies on " scientific" standards for a long time, so science becomes the basis of decision - making. However, as the uncertainty exists in science itself, it is not only difficult to maintain authority image established by science, but also possibly results in faults of political decision - making. Science and politics are being questioned because of the endlessly food safety issues. Facing the credibility crisis in science, people have to reflect the adequacy of science in solving problems from internal science. The important cause that is not to completely solve problems is neglect of the public dimension. The public with experience engage in science, which not only make public participation from slogan to reality, but also impel science from arbitrariness to life. The " credibility" of food safety is presented by co -involvement of science, politics and public. Moreover, public engagement makes " scientific credibility" more full.
作者 赵喜凤 蔡仲
机构地区 南京大学哲学系
出处 《科学学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第8期1128-1133,1205,共7页 Studies in Science of Science
基金 教育部人文社会科学规划基金(10YJA720001) 江苏省普通高校研究生科研创新计划项目(CXZZ12-0004)
关键词 食品安全 可信性 科学 公众参与 技能 food safety credibility science public engagement expertise
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