
炎症反应,健康卫士还是癌症帮凶? 被引量:1

Inflammation,Promoting Cancer or Protecting the Body Against Cancer?
摘要 任何事物都具有两面性,炎症反应也不例外。作为生物体内最常见的生理反应之一,炎症反应不仅可以消除细菌、病毒等外界因素的入侵,还是免疫系统用于清除病变细胞的工具,从而保证机体健康;另一方面,炎症可以促进肿瘤的发展、转移和恶变。解析炎症反应和癌症的关系,了解其中的分子机制,有助于发展新的预防和治疗癌症的方法。 genesis and tumor development. While it plays an im- portant role in promoting cancer, inflammation is a ma- jor defense mechanism of the immune system in protec- ting the body against cancer as well as infection. The relationship between inflammation and tumor in different stages of cancer development is a key issue in cancerstudy. The aim of our 973 project is to gain a better un- derstand of the role of inflammatory signaling pathways and thereby provides new ideas for preventing and trea- ting cancers.
出处 《中国基础科学》 2012年第2期11-14,共4页 China Basic Science
基金 国家973计划(2009CB522200)
关键词 炎症 癌症 免疫 inflammation cancer immune system
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