
服务外包的影响因素、组织方式与治理机制探究:一个理论框架 被引量:2

A Framework of Influencing Factors,Forms of Organization and Mechanism of Governance in Service Outsourcing
摘要 近年来,服务外包与采购成为理论界和实践人士共同关注的话题。本文在相关理论分析的基础上从资源和能力理论出发提出,服务外包的驱动因素主要有两个维度,即资源类型和资源层级,由此划分为四种需求类型,即组合型被操作性资源、组合型操作性资源、互连型被操作性资源以及互连型操作性资源。不同资源诉求下其服务外包的组织方式也可分为四类,即分散式服务外包、集群式服务外包、内包服务以及获益型服务外包。此外,本文在上述理论框架的基础上从交易成本等理论出发,又对各种外包组织方式下其相应的治理机制进行了探讨。本文研究的启示在于发包方需要根据自身需求,选择适配的外包组织方式,同时合作双方还需要把握治理机制的使用,从而形成良好、长期的合作伙伴关系。 In recent years, service outsourcing and procurement has attracted more and more attention in both academic and practical world. Based on the previous studies, this paper proposed that the drivers of outsourcing have two dimensions, namely, resource type and resource level. And we divided the factors into four types, which are composite oper- and resources, composite operant resources, interconnected operand resources, interconnected operant resources. Besides, the forms of organization of service outsourcing can also be divided into four categories, namely, dispersed service outsourcing, clusters service outsourcing, in-sourcing service and vested outsourcing. In addition, this research has discussed the mechanism of governance in service outsourcing from the transaction cost perspective. We argue that buyers should choose the service providers according to their own needs, and partners also need to grasp the use of governance mechanisms, which helps to form a good and long-term relationship.
作者 宋华 刘林艳
出处 《预测》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第4期1-8,共8页 Forecasting
基金 中国人民大学研究品牌计划资助项目(11XNI002)
关键词 服务外包 影响因素 组织方式 治理机制 service outsourcing influencing factors forms of organization mechanism of governance
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