
YAG晶体在软X射线荧光靶探测器中的应用 被引量:6

Application of Ce:YAG as fLuorescence screen BPM for soft X-ray beamline at SSRF
摘要 荧光靶探测器是同步辐射光源光束位置定位的重要设备之一,本文在96 500 eV软X射线内对CVD金刚石薄片和Ce:YAG晶体薄片进行光致发光亮度的测试,观察到Ce:YAG在该能量段的发光亮度比金刚石高,完成了上海光源软X射线荧光靶探测器靶材的实验研究与探测器的设计;同时给出了YAG晶体荧光靶探测器在线使用时观察到的相干光的衍射图像。 Fluorescence screen (FS) is an important part of beam position monitor (BPM) for locating light spot of beamlines in Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility (SSRF). In this work, the photoluminescence characteristics of Ce:YAG and CVD diamond film were tested in energy range of 96-500 eV. The results showed that luminescence of Ce:YAG was obviously greater than that of CVD diamond in the energy range. Ce:YAG has been used as a proper material of fluorescence screen for soft X-rays in the XIL beamline at SSRF, with perfect pictures of diffraction patterns of the coherent X-rays.
出处 《核技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第8期587-590,共4页 Nuclear Techniques
关键词 荧光靶 YAG晶体 金刚石薄片 软X射线 Fluorescence screen BPM, Ce:YAG CVD diamond film, Soft X-ray
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