
长雄野生稻(Oryza longistaminata)全基因组Fosmid文库构建 被引量:2

Whole Genome Fosmid Library Construction of Wild Rice(Oryza longistaminata)
摘要 长雄野生稻(0.10ngistaminata)起源于非洲,具有和亚洲栽培稻相同的AA基因组,是栽培稻改良的重要遗传资源。本研究构建了长雄野生稻全基因组fosmid文库,共获得33.6万克隆,文库的平均插入片段大小约为40kb,其中94.7%的克隆插入片段大小在30~50kb之间。挑取其中约11万克隆并保存,可覆盖10倍栽培稻基因组,对任意基因或序列的筛选概率达到了99.99%。将剩余的22万个克隆进行了末端配对测序,显示其有助于长雄野生稻全基因组测序的拼接。所构建的fosmid文库为筛选和克隆长雄野生稻的有利基因提供了研究材料。 Wild rice, Oryza longistaminata, which originated from Africa with the same AA genome as Asian cultivated rice (0. scttiva ), is an important genetic germplasm for the improvement of cultivated rice. In this study, the constructed O. longistaminata fosmid library contained 336 000 clones. The average size of inserts was about 40 kb, of which 94.7% were distributed from 30 to 50 kb. We selected and preserved 110 000 clones which covered 10-fold cultivated rice genome. The selection probability of specific gene or sequence reached 99.99%. The fosmid library was helpful for sequences assembling after the second-generation sequencing. The remaining 220 000 clones, which underwent end-paired sequencing, revealed its contribution to the assembly of whole genome sequencing of O. longistaminata. This constructed fosmid library will serve as a useful research material to screen and clone favorable genes of O. longistaminata in the future.
出处 《分子植物育种》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第4期457-461,共5页 Molecular Plant Breeding
基金 国家自然基金项目(U0836605)资助
关键词 长雄野生稻 FOSMID文库 末端测序 Wild rice (Oryaa longistaminata), Fosmid library, End secquencing
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