以阿克苏苜蓿灌溉制度制定为例进行了研究,利用Penman-Monteith公式,通过建立作物生长天数与作物需水量的函数T-ET,构建了T-ET函数法作物灌溉制度模型。结果显示:采用32#喷嘴,射程20m,流量4.71 m3/h,有效控制面积315 m2,灌溉强度14.95 mm/h的喷灌设计,通过计算,该地区苜蓿年灌溉次数为25次,设计灌溉总量为750mm。结论表明通过灌溉制度模型可以快速地得到该地区苜蓿的需水规律和相应灌溉制度,该方法对于缺乏灌溉实验资料的区域及作物,简捷地制定出较合理的灌溉制度,具有较强的实用性。
A study was carried out to develop irrigation schedule for alfalfa in Aksu as an example. In use of Pen- man-Monteith formula, T-ET functional model of crop irrigation schedule'was established through the function of crop growing days and water requirement. The results show that, irrigation should be made 25 times annually with a total irri- gation amount of 750 mm when the irrigation was designed as : using 32 # spray nozzle, with a spray range of 20 m, flow rate of 4.71 m3/h, effective control area of 315 m2 and irrigation intensity of 14.95 mm/h. The water requirement regu- lation of alfalfa and the corresponding irrigation schedule can be obtained by using the model, which is practical way to make irrigation schedule and promote water use efficiency in certain regions.
Agricultural Research in the Arid Areas