
我国图书馆电子书阅读器借阅服务调查分析 被引量:10

A Study on the Circulation of the E-Book Reader in China
摘要 对我国电子书阅读器借阅现状的调研数据来自对国内五家大型图书馆的网站调研及对北大图书馆用户的半结构化访谈。结果显示,我国开展此项业务的图书馆不多,阅读器设备少且型号不统一,缺乏针对性的借阅规则和服务规范,配套的内容资源建设不完善;用户对服务的总体评价较高,对阅读器本身不满意。图书馆今后可组成阅读器采购联盟,发挥各图书馆协会作用制定服务标准,注重内容资源建设。 The data of the e-book reader's lending service in China is from the web site research to the five main libraries in China and the semi-structured interviews to the users of Peking University Library. The result shows that only a few libraries have carried out the service and the quantity of the e-book reader devices that they are offering is too small with inconsistent types. Besides we lack targeted lending rules and uniform lending standards, norms, and the contents resource. Users' assessment of the service is high overall; however they are not sat- isfied with the e-book reader device itself. So libraries can work in alliance when purchasing the e-book readers and the library association should establish service standards, furthermore, libraries should pay more attention to the content service.
作者 刘静羽
出处 《新世纪图书馆》 CSSCI 2012年第8期39-42,共4页 New Century Library
关键词 电子书阅读器 图书馆 流通服务 移动阅读 E-Book Reader Library Circulation service Mobile reading
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