To clarify the pollen morphology and the taxonomical status of Tibetia liangshanensis in Tibetia, a small genus endemic in the Hengduan Mountains of SW China, we re-examined the pollen morphology of all species of Ti- betia (except for a plausible species, T.forrestii) using SEM in this study. The pollen data for T. liangshanensis was corrected and the others (T. himalaica, T. yunnanensis, T. tongolensis and T. yadongensis ) were confirmed. The shapes of Tibetia' s pollen grains are spheroidal or subprolate with perforate surfaces. Two types of pollen grains were found ( i. e., 3-colporate and 4-colporate), corresponding to two sections recognized in this genus. The results showed that the pollen grain of T. liangshanensis is 4-colporate. However, it was reported as 3-colporate pollens and treated as a synonym of T.forrestii. Morphologically, the two species are very distinct with T. liangshanensis in hav- ing leaflets 13-17, stipules free and corolla purple, while T. forrestii with leaflets 7-9, stipules connate at base and corolla yellow. The epidermal characters of the two species are also distinguished under SEM. Therefore, we sugges- ted that T. liangshanensis should regain its taxonomical status at the species level.
Plant Diversity