
双孢蘑菇基质中线虫影响木耳菌丝生长的数量阈值 被引量:1

Effect of nematodes in edible mushroom substance on hypha growth of Auricularia auricular and its quantity threshold
摘要 在研究了双孢蘑菇生产基质中的3种优势线虫数量扩增及对菌丝生长影响的基础上,着重研究了线虫密度(5,10,20,40,80,160条.管-1)对木耳菌丝生长的影响,以确定该3种线虫的数量影响阈值。结果表明:中杆属(Mesorhabditis sp.)线虫在密度为5和10条.管-1的条件下,接种2周后,菌丝表观与对照的无明显不同,繁殖量分别达40和255条.管-1;接种3周后,菌丝表观略有变化。拟丽突属(Acrobeloides sp.)和滑刃属的堆肥滑刃线虫(Aphelenchoides composticola Franklin)在5条.管-1的接种密度下,2周后木耳菌丝明显变黄,其繁殖量分别达到55和93条.管-1;3周后,菌丝变褐,部分被啃食。3种线虫在20条.管-1以上密度条件下,菌丝受害严重,3周后菌丝几乎被完全啃食。因此,在蘑菇生产中,基质中的3种供试线虫数量应控制在5条.管-1以下(约每100 g基质中线虫8条以下)。 Based on the former study related to the reproduction and impact on hypha growth of three dominant nema- tode species isolated from edible mushroom growing substance, the effect of nematode density (5, 10, 20, 40, 80, 160 individuals per tube) on hypha growth of Auricularia auricular was investigated to find out the quantity thresh- old. The results showed that there was no obvious difference in hypha appearance of Auricularia auricular, compared with the control with the nematodes, Mesorhabditis sp. at the density of 5 and 10 individuals per tube after 2 weeks of inoculation. The amount of reproduction were 40 and 255 individuals per tube, respectively. The hypha appearance of A. auricular was slightly different after 3 weeks of inoculation. With the nematodes of Acrobeloides sp. and Aphelenchoides composticola Franklin at the density of 5 individuals per tube after 2 weeks of inoculation, the hypha ap- pearance became yellow. The amount of reproduction were 55 and 93 individuals per tube, respectively. After 3 weeks, the hypha became brown, and half of it was bitten. The hypha was seriously affected at the tested densities of more than 20 individuals per tube of all the three species of nematodes. The hypha was bitten up almost after 3 weeks of inoculation. Therefore, for mushroom production, the amount of above 3 nematodes should be less than 5 individuals per tube (about 8 individuals per 100 g) in mushroom growing substance.
出处 《浙江农业学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第4期615-619,共5页 Acta Agriculturae Zhejiangensis
基金 国家科技部863课题(2006AA06Z354) 农业公益性行业科研专项(20100304302) 浙江省温州市科技局项目(2009N12)
关键词 线虫 数量阈值 蘑菇基质 木耳 菌丝 nematode quantity threshold edible mushroom substance Auricularia auricular hypha
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