
响应面法优化飞机草总黄酮提取工艺 被引量:2

Optimization of Extraction Technology for Total Flavonoids from Eupatorium odoratum L.by Response Surface Methodology
摘要 采用溶剂回流法从飞机草中提取总黄酮。单因素试验以提取温度、提取时间、料液比和乙醇浓度作为考察因素,Box-Behnken中心组合试验法设计,采用响应面法(RSM)评估了4个因素对飞机草总黄酮得率的影响。结果表明:响应面的典型分析可知稳定点是最大值,决定系数为0.9722。飞机草黄酮最佳提取工艺条件为提取温度80℃、提取时间4.5h、料液比1∶41、乙醇浓度51%。在此条件下飞机草黄酮的得率为7.162%。 Response surface methodology (RSM) was applied to optimize extraction process of total flavonoids from Eupatorium odoratum L. Based on single experiments, extraction temperature, extraction time, ratio of liquid to solid and ethanol concentration were selected for Box-Behnken central composite designing. RSM was employed to study the effect of these factors on the yield of total flavonoids. The results showed that canonical analysis of surface responses revealed the stationary surface was a maximum. The coefficient of determination was 0. 9722. The optimal process conditions were extraction temperature 80℃ ,extraction time 4. 5 hours, ratio of liquid to solid 1 : 41 and ethanol concentration 51%. Under these optimized conditions,the extraction yield of total flavonoids was up to 7. 162%.
出处 《北方园艺》 CAS 北大核心 2012年第15期78-82,共5页 Northern Horticulture
关键词 飞机草 黄酮类化合物 响应面法 Eupatorium odoratum L. flavonoids response surface methodology
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