目的对某院2009年8~12月报告的466例甲型H1N1流感病例流行病学特征进行分析和总结。方法采用SPSS13.0软件对466例患者的年龄、性别、职业、流行季节等流行病学特征进行分析。结果 466例病例中,16~20岁年龄组所占比例最高,男性占44.3%,女性占52.4%,5岁以下幼托儿童所占比例较低,男女比例分别为2.1%和0.4%,30岁以上年龄组所占比例最低,男女分别为1.3%和2.6%;职业分布以学生最多,占所有病例的92%;发病高峰期为10中月旬~12月中旬,此时间段报告病例464例,占99.5%;重症病例4例,占0.8%,无死亡病例。结论甲型H1N1流感发病群体主要是青少年,10~20岁年龄段421例,占所有病例的90.3%,流行高峰主要是10~12月份,体重过轻或过重可能成为重症病例。
Objective Analysis and summary of the epidemiological characteristics of 466 cases of H1N1 flu in a hospital from August 2009 to December. Methods SPSS13.0 software on 466 patients epidemiological characteristics of age, gender, occupation, popular season for analysis. Results 466 cases of cases 16 to 20 age group the highest proportion of males accounted for 44.3%, females accounted for 52.4%, under 5 years old kindergarten children in a iower proportion of male to female ratio of 2.1% and 0.4%, respectively, 30-year-oldover age group the lowest proportion of men and women were 1.3% and 2.6%; the occupational distribution of the student up to, accounting for 92% of all cases; the incidence peak of 10 in mid-to mid-December, this time of reported cases of 464 cases, accounting for 99.5%; four cases of severe cases, accounting for 0.8% and no deaths. Conclusion Influenza A (H1N1) incidence groups, mainly young people, 10-20 age group of 421 cases, accounting for 90.3% of all cases is the peak 10-12 months are underweight or overweight may become severe cases.
China Health Industry
A flow of patients
Characteristic Analysis