
美国社区养老模式的探索与启示 被引量:43

The Exploration and Inspiration of Community-based Aging Pattern in USA
摘要 老龄化作为全球性人口发展趋势,已成为无论是发达国家还是发展中国家都急需应对的重要挑战。社区养老模式根植社区,无论对于政府还是老人及其家庭,都是成本低、效益高的养老模式,因而在发达国家亦是养老事业发展趋势。本文聚焦美国,分析了美国政府对于提升老人住房可支付性和宜居性的政策支持、对于多层次的社区养老服务的政策支持;以及市场特别是非营利机构等非政府机构在社区养老中的重要作用和贡献。最后总结了美国社区养老模式对于我国的启示。 Population aging has been a global trend that is shaping the 21st century, which made it a great challenge for developed countries as well as developing countries. The community-based aging is a cost- efficiently pattern for government, the elderly and their families. Focusing on USA, the article introduced different forces and their roles in community-based aging: government policies on the elderly housing and multiple service frameworks, the roles of market forces and especially the contributions of non-profit organizations. In the end, some brief enlightenment was put forward.
作者 王承慧
出处 《现代城市研究》 北大核心 2012年第8期35-44,共10页 Modern Urban Research
关键词 社区养老 美国 住房政策 非政府机构 community-based aging USA housing policy non-government organization
  • 相关文献


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