
翼状胬肉上皮细胞表达的研究中β-catenin和Cyclin D1表达的研究 被引量:4

Expression of β-catenin and CyclinDl in the epithelial cells in human pterygium
摘要 目的探讨翼状胬肉上皮细胞的病理改变和β-catenin/Wnt信号通路及其下游靶基因cyclinD1的表达。并比较其与复发性翼状胬肉的表达差异。方法收集翼状胬肉组织26例,其中复发翼状胬肉8例。正常结膜组织6例。冰冻包埋后行HE和免疫组织化学和免疫荧光染色,检测上皮细胞中β-catenin和CyclinD1的表达。并作相关分析。结果翼状胬肉上皮细胞增生,上皮细胞中β-catenin和CyclinD1表达水平明显高于正常结膜。β-catenin表达平均阳性细胞数124.85±9.25,积分光密度826.56±10.25。CyclinD1表达平均阳性细胞数90.40±9.63,积分光密度531.85±12.36。β-catenin和Cv—clinD1表达水平具有正相关。在复发性翼状胬肉上皮细胞中β-catenin和CyclinD1表达水平较初发翼状胬肉有增加。其中β-catenin表达平均阳性细胞数295.12±11.26,积分光密度1145.25±16.58。Cyclin D1表达平均阳性细胞数162.54±9.24,积分光密度856.26±13.85,差异有统计学意义。结论Wnt/β-catenin通路可能通过CvclinD1参与翼状胬肉上皮细胞的发病过程。 Objective To investigate the expression of β-catenin and CyclinD1 in the epithelial cells in human pterygium and the difference in recurrence pterygium. Methods Pterygial specimens and the normal eonjunctiva were obtained from 26 patient and 6 patients for ophthalmectomy. The morphology was observed with HE staining and the expression of β-catenin and CyclinD1 were examined by immunohistochemistry and immunofluorescence. Resluts Proliferation of epithelium was observed in pterygium. The expression of β-catenin and CyclinD1 were higher than normal conjunctiva. The average positive cells of recurrence pterygium for β-catenin were 124.85±9.25 and mean IOD was 826.56±10.25, while the positive cells were 90.40±9.63 and mean IOD was 531.85±12.36 for CyclinD. There was a positive correlation between β--catenin and CyclinD1. The expression increased in recurrence pterygium. The average positive cells of recurrence pterygium for β--catenin were 295.12±11.26 and mean IOD was 1145.25±16.58, while the positive cells was 162.54±9.24 and mean IOD was 856.26±1,85 for CyclinD. The difference was statistics significant. Conclusions The Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway may involve in the pathology of pterygium.
作者 彭娟 沙翔垠
出处 《中国实用眼科杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第8期962-965,共4页 Chinese Journal of Practical Ophthalmology
基金 作者单位:基金项目:国家自然科学基金(81100649)广东高校优秀青年创新人才培养计划项目资助(LYM10112)
关键词 翼状胬肉 上皮细胞 Β-CATENIN CYCLIND1 Pterygium Epithelium β-catenin CyclinD1
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