
西北民族地区中学生心理地位与人际交往能力的关系研究 被引量:3

Research on Relationship between Adolescents’ Life Position and Interpersonal Communication Ability in Northwest China Minorities Region
摘要 以西北民族地区甘南藏族自治州的1所多民族混合学校、1所单一少数民族学校以及兰州市1所普通中学的521名中学生为被试,采用心理地位量表和中学生人际交往能力问卷,探讨不同学校类型中学生心理地位和人际交往能力的关系。结果表明:(1)西北民族地区藏汉混合学校学生的心理地位显著高于单一民族中学的学生,但与普通中学的学生之间不存在显著差异;(2)西北民族地区藏汉混合学校学生人际交往能力得分显著高于单一民族中学的学生,但与普通中学学生之间差异不显著;(3)西北民族地区中学生的心理地位与人际交往能力之间存在显著相关;(4)西北民族地区中学生的心理地位特征能够较好地预测其人际交往能力的发展水平。 Investigating one ethnic mix of school, a single minority school, and a general secondary school with 521 students in Lanzhou City distributed in Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in Northwest China Minorities region. This study used Life Position Scale and Middle School Students Interpersonal Communication Ability Questionnaires as the research tools, discussing the relationship between the Life position and Interpersonal communication ability of the middle school students and effect in their interpersonal skills development. The results indicated: (1)In Northwest China Minorities region, Tibetan-Chinese mixed school students' life position was significantly higher than single nationality school students, but there was no significant difference between Tibetan- Chinese mixed school and general school; (2)In Northwest China Minorities region, Tibetan-Chinese mixed school students' Interpersonal communication ability was significantly higher than single nationality school students, but there was no significant difference between Tibetan-Chinese mixed school and general school; (3) There existed significant correlation between Life position and Interpersonal communication ability in Northwest China Minorities region; (4)The characteristics of the psychological status of the middle school students in Northwest China Minorities region is better to predict the development of interpersonal communication ability.
出处 《心理发展与教育》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第4期428-433,共6页 Psychological Development and Education
基金 全国教育科学"十一五"规划2009年度教育部重点课题<提高西北地区多民族混合学校学生社会交往能力的实证研究>DMA090306的部分研究成果
关键词 西北民族地区 多民族混合学校 中学生 心理地位 人际交往能力 Northwest China region Multiple ethnic-mixed school Middle school students Life position Interpersonal communication ability
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